Eptalex® is a transnational professional practice, structured as a Swiss Verein, and operating through member firms, independently constituted and regulated in accordance with the laws and regulations of each of their jurisdictions. Eptalex® does not itself provide legal or other client services. For more detail the Legal Notice is available here.
The terms "Eptalex®" and ''the Firm/Firms" mean one or more Law Firms ("we"/"us"/"our"). Any reference to "Partner" means the partner, member, consultant or employee with equivalent standing and qualifications in at least one Firm.
Any reference to an Eptalex® "location" means any office, associate office, facility, associate firm, or entity with a special alliance with our international professional firm (tax and legal).
Personal data is collected by each member of Eptalex®.
If you are a European Union data subject and you have any questions about Eptalex use of your personal data, please use the following contacts: [email protected]